
Oct 26, 2008 15:05

Your result for What's your key signature?...
A Major

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orestria October 26 2008, 07:28:03 UTC

Your result for What's your key signature?...
B Minor

Congratulations, you’re B Minor, which is surprisingly not the depressing key signature, as the pun up there would indicate. B Minor is the equivalent of a crazy guy on a rooftop shouting at the top of his lungs angrily during a fireball storm in a war zone. It’s the key you turn to when you want something angry and rocking. The key isn’t too hard to play in for most instruments, but guitars and bass guitars can really slash it up on B Minor if they know what they’re doing. Sure, you could be forlorn and quiet, but who the hell wants that when you could rip the heads off some innocent bystanders?

All right, dude. Calm yourself down and read this, I know that description got you all pumped up and ready to rip the heads off some innocent bystanders. This is the key of aggression and power, and with great power comes great responI’m going to stop before you rip MY head off.

SONG EXAMPLE: The finale from the musical Godspell. (Only B Minor could make the death of Jesus seem like it’s a fucking rock concert.)


* One of the most popular compositions for guitar of all time, Concierto de Aranjues, is in B Minor. And even for a nylon stringed acoustic song, it rocks your socks off.

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