Well, I left the farm yesterday, and now I'm happily situated with a family of three in Rotorua, which is a touristy city about four hours south of Auckland. This time I'm not on the coast, but I am in a very lakey area, so there's still plenty of water for me to play on. Actually, I should get out on the water a whole lot more now, because I'm not working. The daughter of the family, Amanda, met a couple of the women I worked for this past summer, so that's how I got in touch with her, and now she and her parents are content to let me mooch off of them for as long as I'd like! They really are amazing people-they just kind of absorbed me into their house like I belong here.
I put a whole lot more pictures
online (I'd have even more, but I lost the picture cd Peter made for me), and there are way, way, way, way more on
Susanne and Michael's site. Unfortunately, it's in German, but look for the tab on top that says "Fotos" then look for the link on the left to "Caretakerfarm September '07." They're pretty easy to find. About half of them were taken before I arrived, but there's some really good ones of the farm and surrounding areas there, and if you're really interested, there are millions of other pictures they've taken around the country, and in other places around the world, in other folders.