Jan 02, 2011 12:34
I've always been a gung-ho new years resolution maker. Of course, they are usually broken within a few weeks. This year, I think I'll try something a little different. I'm going to set new goals each week. Supposedly, writing them down will help me be accountable, though it may bore you. :)
Area 1: diet: Usually, I would make some kind of resolution like "lose 30 pounds" or "track calorie consumption daily and eat healthy foods." Even if I made more specific goals, I would usually try too much too fast. So my goal for week 1 is to write down everything I eat and drink. That's it, just write it down for now (don't worry, I won't write it all here). I'll add more in a week or two like calorie tracking and limiting fat.
Area 2: exercise: Again, I usually burn out super fast on this one. Trying to go from nothing to 30-45 minutes cardio 3 times a week never has worked for me. So again, I will start super small. This week's goal is 10 minutes of purposeful cardio movement twice this week.
Area 3: professional: I sometimes feel like a kid playing among grown-ups. This week, I will dress like a grown-up for work twice. This means no jeans and hoodies.
Area 4: house: I do okay at keeping my house somewhat clean and organized, but there is lots of room for improvement. This week, I'll do whatever cleaning and such that I feel like, but before I go to bed every night, my kitchen sink will be clean. (This is the first baby step from FlyLady in case anyone was wondering.)
Area 5: misc: this week, no smoking. Should be relatively easy as far as not being around it, but difficult because of the three days or so withdrawal period.
Hopefully these will be small and manageable goals. I'll write a reflection on week one next Sunday. Wish me luck! :)