Conversations on the way to w00tst0ck

Nov 02, 2010 17:43

Me: We're going to a concert and I have a lighter in my pocket! I've never done that at a concert before!
T: Do you have the Zippo app on your phone?
Me: Yes, but you wouldn't let me use it at the Indigo Girls concert. You said it was stupid.
T: Well, this is a geek concert. That was a lesbian concert.
Me: It's not like I could have held up a flaming vagina.
T: The Flaming Vaginas would not be a good band name.
Me: Sure it would, if the band had herpes.

(In response to slow traffic impeding our progress)
T: I was gonna get off here giggety but this isn't much better.

Me: What were we talking about before Camp Mabry? I wanted to blog about it?
T: Inflamed vaginas?
Me: No, after that.
T: My mind went blank after that.

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