one of my occasional updates

Dec 18, 2006 02:00

well this is just gunna be a quick update cause i am so sleepy! me and bambino are doing just fine! everything is good he is about a pound! thats so exciting to me and he is yellin at me to go to sleep or something or hes just energetic i dont know but he is movin lots! we decided on a name his full name is *drum roll* William Robert Davis i like it not my first choice but i like it! my first choice was Lucas Malachi Davis i love that name! but he didnt so we talked about it and we both like william robert is his middle name and my grandpas name so we went with that for the middle i would let him have his first name cause it is just to common for me im in chicago riht now visiting my sister and we went to a science museum today and they had this whole display of prenatal development almost week for week and so i looked at where im at and it was just so cool to see that because you can image and kinda guestimate how big it is and stuff bu to see it almost exact that was pretty cool i was only a day a head of the display (21 wks 4 days and im 21wks and 5 days) the only thing about that display that was creepy is all of the displays were real fetuses when i realized that that was wierd there was a littl thing saying that all of the fetuses died of natural cause creepy! anywho im tired so im going to bed. in case i dont come back on before christmas... happy christmas to everyone and thiers!!!! and new year too..... whoo ray sparkling grape juice for julee!!!!!!!!!
goodnight everybody!

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