Possibly instead of posting, I should be replying to the wonderful comments I've received lately, but everytime I look at them, I am reminded of how awful I felt last week and how I'm trying not to feel that way because then I get all locked up in crap and I don't want to be there right now. Besides I have new crap to deal with. there's always new crap, don't you know. That should be my new tagline: Because there's always new crap.
Yesterday, for those who are not in the know, was Eastern Orthodox Easter, referred to as Greek Easter among my culture, or just Easter, for short. We believe the Last Supper was a Passover Meal, and so to have Easter before Passover makes little sense. Of course, Easter itself is based upon ancient pagan rituals and blah blah blah, who cares as long as there's lamb involved? It is the most holy of days, and cause for great celebration, usually involving food and family. The past couple of years have seen me moping around on Greek Easter, with lots of lying on the bed and sighing, missing my family. This year, I decided to try something different and planned a feast of my own.
The Husband's BFF, aka The Second Wife (TSW), is a trained gourmet chef who actually likes to cook for us, so I requested lamb and told him I would take care of everything else. If you've never eaten a celebratory meal at a Greek person's house, you have no idea the amount of food available. And most times one doesn't sit down to eat, but grazes while waiting for the lamb to finish cooking. Lamb which is, in most households, whole and grilled on a souvla, basically a spit being overseen by several hairy sweaty Greek men who are drunk by noon. Don't worry, they are quite adept at drunken cooking, since their only task is to turn a crank, or make sure the crank is turning, and keep the lamb from drying out. Once it is finished, those of us who've managed to keep from stuffing ourselves on spanakopita, hummus, melitzanosalata, tiropites, bread and feta, grab handsfull of lamb to eat with potatoes, rice, and salad.
Of course we did not have an entire lamb or a traditional souvla, though your basic Webber counts as one, and the racks of lamb TSW had marinated were grilling nicely. I didn't have the patience for anything phyllo based, so I stuck with several dips, some pita, feta, potatoes, and spanakorizo (which didn't turn out quite right, but everyone ate is anyway). Instead of a raucous gathering of family and friends, it was a quieter affair with four of us. It didn't suck.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining that I have a husband and friends who wanted to make the day nice for me. I am grateful, sincerely and completely, for what I had. But it...wasn't the same. It didn't suck, the food was good, TSW's housemate waited until after dinner to get drunk and start talking our collective ear off, the lamb was delicious, and the beers went down nicely. But it...
Look. My family? We're a force of nature. And if that's what one is used to, everything else feels like stale humidity. I hate to sound like I didn't appreciate what I had, but it...
There aren't words exactly for what it was or wasn't. And anyway, it is over now and I am going home this weekend for the littlest member's baptism, so really I shouldn't complain. So I won't.
PS, the people who do the promos for LOCI are insane, I've decided. That was the most understated "shocking" episode ever. Not that there weren't "shocking" elements, but I think after last season's finale, it takes a lot to call an episode "The Most Shocking" and be right. No spoilers here for my International fellow fen. It was awesome to see Mr. D'Onofrio on my TV again.
For those who missed last Thursday's episode of Bones, do try to catch the replay on TNT this week (is it this week? they showed two episodes last week, so I could be wrong), if only to see Stephen Fry's return as the illustrious Gordon Gordon.
Okay, I have to go deposit my paltry blood money from my former place of employment and *shudder* shop for a dress.