There is no spoon

Mar 09, 2009 09:22

I had all kinds of plans for the weekend, and in the way of plans, they all went away as soon as it hit. That's okay. I can't complain about the one I had.

First off, I am not going to add my Watchmen review to the mix. Everyone has an opinion and I am no exception. But long ago I realized the most valuable thing movies offer me is a chance to turn off my brain. If I go into one with the expectation of having to think about it, I enjoy myself less. Also, as someone who loves both books and movies, I learned long ago that no movie is going to reflect every aspect I appreciate about the book upon which it's based. If we're lucky, we get an enjoyable flick with characters we know and love. And, as in the case of Harry Potter, if the casting is excellent, there is an added bonus. The final few HP books were made so much more enjoyable with the voices of Maggie Smith, Richard Harris (he will always be my Dumbledore), Alan Fucking Rickman reading dialogue in my head. And so while I understand some of the criticisms I have read of Watchmen, and I feel for the sad little fanboys who cannot accept that an unfilmable graphic novel can only be made filmable if you change or cut things, I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Also, because of my ties to so many who work in the film industry, I love that the Little Director Who Could made the unfilmable into a viable movie that is much less ugly than the graphic novel.

In honor of seeing what some term "The Best Graphic Novel Ever," I spent my weekend catching up on Buffy Season 8 and finally digging into Alison Bechdel's Fun Home (amazing stuff!). It was during my visit to the Austin Books and Comics that I lamented once again how I had chosen not to read the Angel post-series comic penned by Joss because the art is so fugly. Especially as now there seems to be some crossover action with the Buffy. Damn you, IDW! Get some decent artists!

Bought the new Neko Case. I'm still listening to it, appreciating its nuances, but nothing has yet jumped out and punched me in the gut as "I Wish I was the Moon Tonight" did when I first listened to Blacklisted.

Watched absolutely nothing of significance on TV. Not even any of the backlist of programming I have on my DVR.

Baked cupcakes. Quite well, if I may say.

What I didn't do:

Finish my resume so I can apply for these two jobs I am eyeing.
Sleep well.

How was your weekend?

don't i bore you?, life

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