Some recs, thoughts, random rambling

Aug 07, 2008 09:01

I don't know why I feel compelled to do this.

Probably it's for the same reason I write book and movie reviews on my blog.  In a way, I don't care if no one reads it, or if those who do think, "Yeah, seen it, about 50 other places on the 'net."  I, like many here (and by here, I am of course referring to this wonderful, chaotic, crazybusy world of the internet), have opinions, and the need to express them.  Plus, I am a sad and lonely old woman.  And you know how much we love to talk!

So I'm still stuck on Hot Fuzz.  And personally, I think that's a fine place to be.  Finally got my DVD.  I'd love to say I got the special edition, but I couldn't afford.  I'm pretty happy just to have a copy to watch whenever, regardless of what I'm missing out on.

Many of the stories I've come across are great in their own right.  There's some repetition, in that way of how the writers get them to hook up.  There's a whole lot of kissing, which is fine (though, if you've ever read a whole spate of fic from one fandom in a short time, you may see there's only so many descriptions of how someone tastes you can take, because really? it's rare you can taste anyone with your tongue shoved in their mouth because your nose is too busy sniffing their cheek, but I digress.), some movie watching, sometimes they're drunk, sometimes they argue.  And it's all so sweet and--if well-written--funny.

So I'm picking out some of my new personal faves, the ones I will--once I've read random stories until my eyeballs bleed--seek out and re-read.

Good Boys Too - by
I originally didn't read this because I'm not into Andy/Andy (have I mentioned I'm an OTP whore?), but I'm so glad I did.  There are lines from this that sound very true to the movie and the A/A subplot is subtle and hilarious.  Danny is very Danny-like in this, not HiddenWisdom!Danny one finds in many stories, which means he's a little dim, full of questions, and very very sweet.  And I now have a visual of Danny and Nicholas jogging together in matching tracksuits that's a little disturbing, but not in a bad way.

Mine - by Anam
So while I believe possessiveness in real life realtionships = very very bad things, in my slash I love it to pieces.  And I can see Nicholas and Danny being very possessive of each other.  In this short piece (one of the few fully NC-17 one I've come across, and I love Top!Danny), Danny gets jealous and does something about it.

Cheer Up (You Miserable Fuck) - by
Aside from having the best title ever, this pre-slash fic also realistically (well, as realistic as a story based on a fictional universe can be) examines how Nicholas feels about being friends with Danny.  The boys bicker, compare Chuck Norris to Vin Diesel, and leave a window open to whatever may come next.

A Boy's Book of Practical Magic to Mystify, Baffle and Entertain - by
For those (like me) who wondered what the fuck was going through Danny's mind at the castle, and what his life might be like now that he has accepted his father is "Judge Judy and executioner."  Told in a series of snapshots that travel back and forth through his life, this is one of the best written stories I've read so far.  It literally left me breathless at the end.  Danny struggles.  Nicholas is quietly there for him.  Beautiful.

Side With the Seeds
- by Pepperlandgirl (this is part 1 of 7, go here and search by author or title for the rest)
Pepperlandgirl's "Somewhere in the T's" and "Somewhere in the Night" have both been recced all over the place.  I don't know why I haven't also seen this one.  The other two are sweet and HOT, but this one...this one.  I don't know.  Maybe it's because I love long stories.  Maybe it's because I love angstier ones.  There aren't many of both in this fandom and I don't see why.  The movie may have been hilarious and a tad ridiculous (a wonderful quality, don't get me wrong), but the after-effects of the ending-before-the-ending were glossed over.  Pepperlandgirl addresses some of the messier aspects of cleaning up after the NWA and its effect on Nicholas.  This is a grimmer tale, missing the sweet humor we're used to in this fandom, but it is also thoughtful and smart.  And it has an actual story arc, a burgeoning relationship between Nicholas and Danny that is believably rendered, and a resolution that literally made me tear up.

In other news:
I also read Chuck/Casey, as I've mentioned.  Unfortunately, this fandom is lacking much of the quality of Hot Fuzz.  I know, I know, it's new.  Only one season in.  And they do that thing on the show where the have super hot chicks around every corner, so maybe people aren't seeing the slashier qualities.  But we know it's all about Chuck and Casey.  I can definitely see Casey being all possessive over Chuck.  Oh yeah.

However.  In a small fandom with an even smaller talent base,
fiareynne stands out with good silly plots, tender (but not too) interactions, and to the teeth dialogue.  Her Casey is sexy, especially when annoyed.  Her Chuck seems perfectly in-character.  Her Devon is (shall I say it?  You know you want me to...) AWESOME.  Unfortunately, most of her best stories are WIPs (arrgh, Fia!  More "How to Deal!" I don't care if you do have a new job!), but I do suggest you give them a try.  Go to
chuck_slash and check out her stuff.  Check out the other stuff too.  Some of it is promising.  I give it time.

All right.  I do have to return to work now.  sigh  Life can't be all slash and peace lilies.  Have I mentioned we keep a peace lily in our office?  We, however, do not have to water ours every day.

chuck, slash, hot fuzz, sigh, slash recs, recs

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