The other F word (links to spoilers for the latest blockbuster movie and stuff)

May 09, 2012 13:31

Over at cleolinda's lj, there's been all kinds of discussion about The Avengers, specifically Loki's use of the word "quim" to describe Natasha, and Joss Whedon's supposed feminism and and words and intent and frankly I'm tired of the whole thing already.

Specifically, this one comment almost inspired me to participate:

I LOVE that movie, and that line was foul and awful and misogynistic as hell, and it was misogynistic to put it in, whatever Whedon's intent was. And he's a fucking ass for being proud of it.

He's not nearly as feminist as he likes to claim he is. He gets away with claiming it anyway, because he's a man, and the bar for feminist men is set really really low. There's a lot of misogyny (and racism, btw) running through his work in general. This is just a tad bit more blatant.

Yes, I agree.  Whedon has issues.  We've all discussed Whedon's issues, whether blatant or ignorant, for fucking years.  Yes, the bar for feminist men is low.  Sometimes, I am pleased to have a conversation with someone of the male gender who even gets what I'm talking about when I talk about misogyny in popular culture.  Especially if they get it without 1) getting defensive; 2) mansplaining why I'm wrong before listening; or 3) mansplaining feminism to me.  So Joss Whedon is - in the universe wherein I expect very little from men - a god of a male feminist.  He actually writes female characters with complexity.  He puts as much effort into creating three-dimensional female characters - even secondary ones - as he does his male leads.  Not many lauded male directors even try (I'm lookin' at you, Christopher Nolan!).

But most of all, he creates movies and television shows that inspire debate and criticism, even years after their end.  He creates a movie that inspires debate over one freaking line of dialogue.  I would challenge anyone to do the same to a Michael Bay movie.  Many would say Whedon brings this onto himself by claiming to be something (a feminist) that he so obviously is not, based on their pointed dissemination of his work and interviews.

Me, I live in the real world where no one is the perfect feminist, not even me, because such a thing doesn't exist.  We are all works in progress.  And considering outspoken feminists are dropping like flies, hearing a man declare proudly that he is one, whatever his flaws are, is cause for positive regard.

Should he know better?  Sure.  But there are untold numbers of men making crap movies wherein women are treated like objects that exist solely for men's pleasure, men who are bazillionaires because people go see these crap movies,  and girls who have to live in a world where this is what they are told is quality entertainment they should enjoy and stop being so goddamn sensitive!, I refuse to waste my passions over Joss Whedon's intent in regards to one word. 

d hates sexism, my opinions are the bomb, this is not the world i want, movies

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