And I don't even like Warehouse 13 that much (contains spoiler)

Jul 18, 2011 22:00

I don't generally care for Warehouse 13.  I like parts of it and some of the characters, but the two leads bug the shit out of me.  I watch it, however, because it comes on after Eureka, which I do like.  And, hell, the TV's already on the Syfy channel and I'm in my chair...

A new character was introduced this season and I wondered where they were going with him, especially now that Myka is back (did we really think she wouldn't be?).  I was afraid he was supposed to be some love match for Claudia (one of the characters I do like), but it turns out he's gay.  He is the most refreshing gay character I've seen on American TV.  He isn't the effeminate one, or the delicate one, or the flamboyant one with awesome style.  He's a regular former ATF agent guy who is also a Buddhist.  He isn't a geek or even especially pretty.  He's just...a guy.  Who openly stated he was gay.

Sometimes when people bitch about the Syfy channel (changing the name, the wrestling, all the reality shows), I get it.  I'm right there with them.  But it also does original programming that is pretty enjoyable (I do have a fondness for the cheese that is Sanctuary), with some genre-busting characters and genuine humor.

I hope we see some interesting storylines for The New Guy (as he's generally referred).  The fact that he's gay doesn't have to mean anything, but if played right, it could mean everything.

on telly, omg ravus!

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