WAT? Other people do their Glee squee. I don't do Glee. I do crime shows about evil people torturing women that piss me off and stuff.
Last night's episode was actually very good with the pacing and tension, but because it's about scumbag child rapists, I do not think I will ever watch it ever ever again. Like, we had a bit too much from the point of view of the child. It was heartbreaking to watch. Also, [SPOILER!!!] the main scumbag child rapist got away in the end, though the child was rescued and returned to his family. All of which culminated in my favorite scene of the entire episode, one of those that makes me love this show, the way the team acted while heading home.
Usually they show everyone all spread out on the jet, someone asleep on the couch, Reid reading, Morgan with his headphones on, and focus on a conversation between two or so people that is supposed to provide some resolution for whatever angst one of the characters experienced during the case. This time, though, the end scene showed the entire team kind of huddled together, commiserating over how crappy and awful they feel that the scumbag child rapist got away. It didn't even hit me until after the show ended how touching that was, seeing them taking comfort as a group instead of pairing off or moping alone.
I mean, how could they resist the needs of emo!Reid?
*pets emo!Reid's new haircut*
By the way, my super spectacular CM images come from two lovely ladies who are constantly uploading to
this album. Just felt credit is needed where credit is due. Yes, I am a dork.