It takes a meme...

Feb 04, 2010 20:43

Seven Things With Which You Are Currently Obsessed Meme!
1) List your current obsessions.
2) Provide as much -- or as little! -- explanation as you want: Why are you obsessed? Why not just...marginally interested?

1. That strange doinky sound my laptop makes as it lets me know...something. I haven't had the chance to hover my mouse over it while it's happening to find out what the fuck is going on. It totally bugs while I'm watching TV on my laptop because the doinky sound will actually pop in during the show. It's annoying. And mysterious. OMFG it's doing it right now.

2. NCIS: the only show I've managed to keep up with during this grad school/work. I have about ten episodes of Bones waiting for me in iTunes, and my Netflix subscription is all set to start showing me The IT Crowd, but I have so little time to sit and watch TV, I seem to be able to only do one show at a time. NCIS requires little of me (doinky), except to watch and enjoy the mancandy that are Gibbs and DiNozzo (and even McGeek - because I love geeks), and the womanosity dichotomy of Ziva and Abby. I still can't get used to the idea that Fornell is the guy from Hill Street Blues, and I'm a little glad they got rid of Lauren Holly, because her upper lip was causing me consternation, but I have grown to love the entire cast in a way I never thought a show about how great the military is ever could.

3. Counseling Techniques: The most challenging class I've ever taken, and we aren't even taking a test. What we are doing is participating in group Real Plays, during which we have to utilize the specific skill set we were taught. It is stressful and little miss perfection has had to deal with a lot of humility the past three weeks. I love it and hate it in equal measure. I also can see how, after taking this class, I will be better prepared for the counseling profession than any theory class could teach me.

4. Sleep: I get very little of it these days.

5. Coffee: essentially keeps me going. See above.

6. My friends: I miss everyone so fucking much. But at the same time, I'm too busy to really miss anyone. Instead there's this kind of hollow feeling inside that is waiting for me to have time to fill it.

(Okay, I think the laptop doinky is saying something about my USB drive, and there's a green check mark by it, which would be a good thing...if I had anything plugged into my USB drive. Any thoughts?)

Last, but certainly not least:


my so-called life, grad school of doom, my thoughts let me show you them, omg ravus!

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