1. Spent last night watching the Thin Man movies (to which I've long been addicted), drinking hot chocolate, and reading NCIS fic. All in all not too shabby, actually, in spite of recent events, a much better New Year's Eve than many in the past.
2. Slept in today, thought it was Sunday when I woke up, got lost a little in the Criminal Minds (the show I hate and yet still watch) marathon, went to see Up in the Air. It was good. I haven't seen many movies this year, but I have honestly loved each one of them. Oops. It's not "this year" anymore, is it? Funny how that happens. Not Sunday, ether.
3. What the fuck is up with the reading of NCIS fic? I can't think of a show I want to slash less. And yet, here I am, reading Gibbs/DiNozzo like it's the newest flashy car on the block. Probably just to have something new to read that doesn't involve my brain. And unlike other popular fandoms I haven't delved into, I actually know this one quite well. And I find older Mark Harmon strangely hotter than young Mark Harmon.
4. It's Cowboy Bebop month on
crack_van! An anime I actually watched and loved and hey! own the DVDs for. Something new! I was getting kind of tired of
crack_van and its never-ending cycle of repeating fandoms.
5. Okay, the thing with the NCIS fic is, reading in a new fandom is a lot like visiting a dentist you love. It's not so much you hate the visit, but what it may entail. I just devoted most of today reading a long-ass story with great Gibbs and Abby and DiNozzo characterization that turned McGee into a whiny stupid prat who, apparently, hates Tony. *throws up hands* I hate character assassination more than bad sex scenes. And I can't respect a writer who uses her dislike for a character to completely change them for a fic. I had to deal with that enough in Buffy fandom, somehow managed to avoid most of it in dueSouth and it's just fucking tiring. Grow up, people.
6. There is no #6.
Have a nice weekend, everyone.
Oh, does anyone else eat black-eye peas and cabbage on New Year's Day? Or is that a New Orleans thing? Curious.