Jail, Metal Boy and Yellow Underroos

May 24, 2008 19:40

Last night my dream consisted of several parts. (I love those types of dreams).

Dream part number one was me chasing the clear spots between rain showers in order to close my bedroom window. I also ran errands. I went to Zingerman's for scones and coffee. On my way back to my car I stopped at the Irish Pub (a version of the River Stix in Veronica Mars, season II).  I had in my hands a pair of shoes, a pair of sunglasses and a book. I paid the bouncer and then didn't drink a drop. Somehow my sobriety landed me in...

Jail (Dream, Part II). Yes, I got sent to jail for being sober. I didn't stay there long. When the dream shifted (Dream, Part III) I was standing outside with Metal Boy.

Metal Boy is the one of the two boys that  hasn't crawled started talking to me since I digitally deleted former flings. (I respect him for that. Don't tell him, but I do).

He picked me in his old, tan car. I stated I was hungry. I wanted Thai. He said he could go for some Chinese. Then we settled on a grease diner by his house. Metal Boy then pulled down the waistband to his pants. "Here," he said "Check this out." This happened to be his canary yellow underroos.

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