(no subject)

Dec 13, 2008 23:48

I'm a bad livejournaler. I haven't been posting as often as I should. Life and work is trying to get the best of me.

Update on what has been happen.

I was finally release from doctor's care last month for my back. The doctor told me to take it easy and resume normal activities as I see fit . He also warned for to be careful. I'm two to three times more likely to re-injury it. But all and all I am hopeful.

Work has slowed down right now and it is making everyone in the company worried. Especially, when you hear about a layoff almost everyday. I decided not to overly worry. If it happens, it happens. I been thru it before and survive. I will do it again.

I actually considering moving out my apartment and finding a house to rent. My neighbors like to stomp around at two morning and slam doors. I'm sick of it and honestly the rent is not worth it. Plus I miss living in house. Alright, I haven't live in a house since I was 14 but I still miss it.

Oddie was sick earlier this week. She throw up in for first time since I had her.  Can you say panic? She been better since. Back to her little troublemaker self. Jumping on the Christmas tree. knocking off the ornaments, rolling herself in wrapping paper. Yeah, got to love her.

I still can not figure out what happen. Why she was sick?  And I maybe over reacting. She is my  first pet. My first cat.

I spent pretty much all today Christmas shopping and I am still not done.  But I was tired and wanted to pass out by the time I got home. Honestly what is left has all been picked over and doesn't seem to be worth the prices.

After I got home, I just vegged. Need to find some good books to read. I've been craving to just reading until I fall alsleep.

The Day the Earth Stood Still came out on Friday and if I convince my lazy butt to get up tomorrow, I think I will go. Just, please moviegods don't let this one suck the big stink cheese. Its always fifty fifty with Keanu Reeves. But the Wolverine trailer may just be worth it.

My diet has fallen by the wayside. Damn Pecan Pie, cheesecake, and other Christmas goodies. I am bound and determine to lose 30 pounds by August and maintain the weight. I just have to get on the ball.

All in all life is good. I'm here and breathing so I can't complain.

But any hoo! I will wish you all goodnight and I will talk to you later. Eat some Christmas goodies for me.
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