Sep 08, 2010 13:07
there are many of you....who insist on keeping me on your friends list. These "many" of you.'..i have REMOVED from my f-list for various reasons. those reasons being but not limited to:
-You never EVER update (not just one of you) Sorry, but when your last post was 4 months ago..or 6 months...or LONGER....whats the point? Now, some of you are ok because you may not post but you DO comment. I feel bad because i want to return the favor and comment back but thats ok. I have several friends who comment frequently but never post! :3
-You added me on a whim and i have NO idea who the fuck you are or which community you are from (not just one of you) Umm, my lj is FRIENDS ONLY and i have an f-only post for you to reply at if you wish to gain friendship to me...many of you just added me with out even TELLING ME who you are or why you want to add me. "OH LAWL! she is from ________ community! LET ME ADD HER!" sorry, i don't add total random strangers and let them view my personal stuff. At least ASK first....
-You are nothing but a total bitch when commenting on my journal ( not just one of you) Umm, i don't mind when friends tell it like it is...but when you do NOTHING but comment nastily, do NOTHING but cause drama, or just bitch in general. Umm, nokthnxbai. I have dealt with too many "bullies" and mean nasty people who's only goal in life was to be as mean and nasty as possible, and make fun of me/others just to hurt others feelings, mine included. Now, you may say "it's just words don't be alll bawwwwww on me and make me call the waaaaaaaaaaahmbulance" ...well...i can tolerate it to a LIMIT...but when you are just here to be nasty...GO AWAY.
This is MY journal, and you will treat ME and my fellow friends with RESPECT. you don't have to LIKE me but you must respect me. If you can't do that, then leave.
So, why do you people insist on keeping me as a friend? i obviously don't want YOU as a me? is your life SO worthless that the only way you can validate your exsistance is to enlarge your ego by collecting as many "friends" as you can? Do you feel BETTER knowing that you have 3,456 friends even though only 2 of them are REAL and TRUE friends?
or are you like that episode of south park "you have 0 friends" and you are friends no nothing...and you become so disillusioned when someone ACTUALlY is on your friends list?
whatever...just take me off....More so the people who added me at random and the bitches....the "never update" people i can tolerate because they may not be online anymore to remove themselves...and if they don't comment here...or ever..yeah....but GOOD LORD! some of you need to go into "MANAGE FRIENDS" and SEE who has you and who does NOT! if you have a GREEN ARROW ONLY, that means that you are on MY LIST but i am not on YOURS....IT MEANS I NEVER ADDED YOU OR I TOOK YOU AWAY....because:
some of you...i have NO idea who you are due to sparse commenting or updating, or...see reasons above...>_< i want my f-list number to reflect the REAL connections and friends i have...whatever..
Sorry for the rant...anxiety is kicking in again and yeah...YAY MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES THAT MY INSURANCE DOESN'T COVER!! I am fucked up, and have to pay and arm and a leg to fix it! 8D go me!!! ooooh, but i am sure if i finally get an evaluation and a diagnosis and publically post it, someone will find a way to make fun of me for being messed up 8D weeeeeeee