Please read the entire post before you decide to pass judgement
I somewhat have a more level head...i say somewhat...because before i read someone's journal...i was doing ok...but now i see that she's going to make this a cluster fuck and as tony said "she's waaaaay over reacting. she has a right to her feelings but this is taking it a little to far
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I'm not necessarily siding with her. They're both in the wrong to some extent - Astra for posting without rereading and considering the possible implications... The other girl for being a total bitch. I did read the IM convo but here's the thing - it was explained clearly in both the entry and the IM that she hates people who complain and whine...but don't DO something about it....not people who try to fix it.
So yes, Astra is, I guess, right here. I'm overweight. I know it. I'm working on losing weight through both diet and exercise. If she hated me, then she'd be wrong. If, however, I wasn't doing ANYTHING about being overweight, then she'd have every right to target me in that group.
I'm on medication that makes me gain weight. My family genetics ALSO make me lean towards the overweight side. I have no cartilidge in my left knee since a car accident in 02 that walking is literally a grinding pain. My husband likes me as I am.. so what? I'm still trying to eat less, exercise more, and make smarter, healthier decisions.
People who say "zomg im so fat i hate it" and then go "oh well...because of this this and this" are STUPID. They're foolish individuals who have already given up. I don't hate them, by any means...But, yes, they need to shut up and stop whining. And if she had read the entry and IM like a smart person, then she would have understood and this whole thing could have been avoided.
So she's fat AND stupid.
I'm also on medication for a neurological disease that triggers my bulimia and makes me eat tons and not be able to keep anything down at all. So I bounce between being 300 lbs and weighing about 225, which is.. some people would say horribly still too fat. Except I'm 6'3", female, and have decent muscle tone. Somewhere.
But I'm doing things to improve my way of life. ^o^
As for the other comments.
Degenerative diseases are one thing. I give her that. It isn't fun living with metabolic issues any more than it is living with AIDS or a really bad rash on your backside (Don't kill me, its just the way I talk =D).
And it might not be any of Astra's business if one is plus size or a size zero. That isn't her goal.
Disregarding her consistent apologies is what's seriously immature here. You're ALL older than I am. I've met some of you guys in person. Grow up and find something else to concern yourself about. This isn't even remotely enough to break up a friendship over. Particularly when the post was heated in the moment, and she's constantly apologized for how things were said and tried to rephrase what she meant to say. The fact of the matter is no one seems to care, and is simply egging others on for the sake of an argument. Or having something to do.
She's being judged for not being able to express herself clearly and speaking in her normal turn of phrase.
If you're just not going to be friends with Astra anymore, don't. That's fine. Jen has made herself crystal clear. The rest of you little followers, though, need to stop dragging it out. Just leave it be, because the ISSUE doesn't concern you. It's between -them-.
*does the happy dance of joy*
And you sound fine to me. :) Keep up the good work, and I hope your meds balance out and stop messing with you. :)
And, yes...It may be between them but I suffer from mother bear syndrome...someone hurts my friends or family I get all up in arms about it. *mock sigh* (Oh I'll accept it when they're wrong...but I'll still be upset over the hurting by the other party.)
Now I'm just annoyed at the anonymous person... Granted Im here cuz it's my own fault for opening my OWN mouth lol.
It IS a stupid thing to end a friendship over.
I do think she expressed clearly - I understood just fine. I still think it would be better to perhaps post rants to private and let them sit a day or two before posting to public (said this on another entry lol), but honestly...both of them need to chill before posting...and read carefully.
I think that that is one of the problems with the internet is the lack of inhibitions. We all trend to do more acting before thinking, heedless that our words and actions have the same affect as if we were sitting across from each other face-to-face.
Which leads to all sorts of fun issues... like this one! :)
It is one of many, many problems with the internet. :) (there's more but... I dislike ranting lol)
Now... sleeping with your boyfriend, owing you money, or spreading lies and rumors? THAT is worth ending friendships over!!! :-D
I'm not a little follower, btw... kinda take offense to that lol. But hey *shrugs* Your perceptions, eh? :)
As it was said by Evelyn Beatrice Hall but commonly attributed to Voltaire... "I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
At any rate, yeah. I take everything my friends say with a grain of salt. Most of our jokes have to do with either sex or race.. or interracial sex (lmao, I'm kidding >.>) SO it's always like 'Wtf..' and funny five seconds later.
That is true about the internet. I give more advice I probably shouldn't. Bua.
Later though, Dragoon. Mind if I add you?
Eh, I trust that the friends I have are good enough friends that we'll still love each other after a fight... I have a friend who can say "I'll call you back in 30min" and 2 weeks later calls... but we always pick up right where we left off, and I cherish that. If a friend really irrevocably hurts me, it's over and done and I'll write them a polite, well-thought out email telling them why I no longer desire to be their friend... kind of like the nicest break-up letter ever.
I try REALLY hard to not make race or religion or politics jokes...and the term "gay" used as a negative is a mega pet peeve of mine... (and did I mention I have an awful tendency to ramble?) but yeah/... even "....wth?!?!" jokes ARE funny later with good friends. :)
lol I do too... I poke my nose in...
Sure, go for it. :) I write more than I read but even then it's not much. :) Have a good day, I'm going back to leveling my priest!!
Horde or Alliance?
Did you see the trailer for the new patch? >D
I cannot WAIT for a tauren paladin!!! I want one...I even know what I'm going to name it!!!
(Don't mind me, I'm terribly excited for WoWC and Guild Wars 2 lol)
Follower like watcher. YouTube, Twitter-talk. XD Aha.
She's actually one of 3 people I read on here.
Astra wouldn't go around making discriminating comments about other races, genders, and sexualities, so why be discriminant towards large people, when she, herself is a large person. It would be like a black person hating black peeople for being black, a man hating other men for being men, or a homophobic homosexual.
In FACT, lobbyists are trying to push to make discrimination by weight and size illegal since Fat-hate is a big deal. Health problems span all size groups. Small people can have diabetes.
Astra is discriminating, stereotyping, and hypocritical. and Jen isn't the only one who sees this.
She hates fat people who whine and do something about it. Yes, she's overweight - but she's doing something about it. So it would seem that her rant is partially directed at what she used to be/do.
So Astra isn't being discriminatory, stereotypical, or a hypocrite...she's being honest.
That isn't falling off the wagon. That's being a fucking fatass and not doing anything about it, like the people she wishes would die of a heart attack.
So, fail. The "honesty, bawwwwwwwww" arguement is invalid. There's a line between honesty and being cruel for the sake of it. She needs to learn to think before hse types.
You're annoying me, go away.
I am choosing to end this conversation - you seem to be a liar and a brat and yanno what? I don't have to deal with you. ^__^.v
Peace out~!
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