An update on ME and Fannie

Jul 24, 2008 21:23

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to take this time to update you all on what's been going on with me lately. Once upon a time I was very active on LJ and now I barely log onto this site. It's not that I don't have any love for it anymore it's just that now that I've been doing the natural bodybuilding thing my life has taken a 180 degree turn. Since DragonCon is right around the corner (yes I'll be there for the entire event) I thought I would update everyone one on what's been happening with me lately. I'm going to include fannie too since you all love her almost as much as I do. *smile*

Right now I'm training for my third bodybuilding competition. My last one for this year is the first weekend in October and then I'm taking the rest of the year off. I'm going to be looking really toned for DragonCon because it's right after my third competition. I really like training with weights. It has calmed me down BIG TIME! All the aggression,  bitchiness and the need to kick someone's ass  has leveled out. Oh! Don't get me wrong, I can get fired up when I want to but now I pick and choose my battles wisely. I'm too busy for that shit.

The economy has changed my businesses big time but not in a bad way but rather in a different way. My Pro Sessions have gone down but my website membership, phone & webcam sessions, DVDs,  and merchandise sales have gone way up. Actually the money resources have switched. What I use to make in Pro Sessions I am now making in other areas. A lot of men just can't afford to see me like they use to and since I don't travel like I use to in the past my Pro Sessions aren't as frequent anymore. The biggest financial cut came when I slowed down my traveling. Due to Fannie's health I only visit Germany once a year and make one national trip a year. This year it was Maryland and more than likely next year it will be Maryland again. I want to come to Boston sooooooooooooo badly but I simply don't have the time.

Speaking of Fannie...............She's doing well. I am often proud of myself for not trusting in those stupid ass Vets. Especially the one who gave her a death sentence 2 years ago. I can still hear that bitch now "You're cat won't make it past 2 months. 3 months tops" and I believed her ass until I woke the fuck up. She said Fannie won't make it to see her 14th birthday and here she is 15 going on 16. She's not as fat as she use to be but she not scrawny looking either. She just look normal. I'll take pictures of her later and post them for you all to see.

But I must admit something. SHE IS DRIVING ME FUCKING NUTS! Have anyone here ever cared for an elderly? They can be difficult at times. They want their food prepared a certain way or they won't eat it. They can be unreasonable at times. That's fannie's old ass.

Check this out!

I have two litter boxes now. One for shit and the other for piss. No more one litter box. Once upon a time I would clean her little boxes once a week. But now? I have to do it every three days. Doesn't matter if it's not full, MS THING wants to have fresh littler every three days or she will pee on my gym clothes. Oh it gets better. Since I'm spending more time with her I decided to feed her wet food every other day. I would buy the expensive stuff with lots of nutrients. Last year she loved the stuff but now? The cheaper the wet food is the more she likes it. She will let quality soft food rot to hell in her bowl but when I feed her the cheap shit she eats it all up in 30 seconds flat! She use to love sleeping on my lap while I type on the computer but now? She will fuss at me if I dare use the mouse. Oh! Oh! And one more thing! Oh you're gonna love this shit! This is something new. She's been doing this for the past three weeks. Ok, when I come home from the gym I immediately take my wet gym clothes out of my bag and place it on the floor so I can gather them all together in a few days to be washed. If my clothes are too close to her sleeping mat MS THING will come find me and stare me down until I move them. That is the most annoying shit in the whole wide world. It doesn't matter if I'm on the phone, in the bathroom, on the toilet, taking a nap, typing on the computer, cleaning my room, whatever! She will stare me down until I move my gym clothes away from her sleeping mat. And before ya'll say anything, NO my gym clothes don't stink (that badly). LOL!!!!! She's just doesn't want to walk around or over my clothes to get to her sleeping mat!

So that's what I'm dealing with right now. I'm officially her bitch and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. *smile*

hmmmmmm? What else? Oh I'm in a relationship. Right now it's too early to see if he will last til the Fall. Ya'll know how I do

Ummm? Oh my motorcycle is dead and I'm trying to find someone to come fix it but haven't had any luck.

Uh? Well that's about it. Right now until my last competition all I do is eat, work, sleep and train. I'll be sure to post some pictures up here from my August competition.

I look forward to catching up with everybody at DragonCon. It would be nice to finally be out and about for a change. Hope everyone is well.

take care,

Goddess Amazon.
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