Poem The Physics of Love

Nov 23, 2008 19:49

The Physics of Love

Love is stronger than Strong Force
        (you can't let it go a nanometer)
The smallest separation is cataclysmically huge

Love reaches father than any gravity well
        (can't escape from orbit)
Pulling stronger than ant black hole
        (everything melded into dense hot matter moving as one)
Farther reaching than any star

Love is electromagnetic
        (even as we draw together sparks fly)
Love generates it's own field
        (moves more than iron hearts)

Love is never weak
        (but it can weaken)
Love is the simplest of maths
        (but some how incalculable)

1 + 1 = i
       (imaginary number; real love)
me + you
       (and the strongest force in the Universe)

poem orginal

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