We've had yet another beautiful day here in sunny (although sometimes rainy) West Palm Beach Florida. Yesterday (my birthday) was full of thunder storms and lightning, but that made way for lots of shopping and girl time in the mall, so I can't complain. Actually, the rain on the beach was pretty cool, with the dark skies and the thunder, but once the lightning came, that's when we got the heck outta dodge.
Today's beautiful weather more than made up for it. We got some early morning/afternoon beaching in, which was nice. I love everything about Florida, yes, even the rain and thunder storms. They're gorgeous to watch and actually pretty cool to experience. It's going to be pretty damn hard to get on that plane Monday afternoon and head back home!!! '
Although, when I get home I'll be able to upload photos and stuff, as well as my stories, so I'm looking forward to that. But for now, I'm going to enjoy every last minute we have here in Florida and count down the days until
leopardchic79 and I come back!!!!