Video on Trial. Will make any night much more enjoyable. No matter how enjoyable the night may or may not have been up until that point. Granted, they dropped the ball on Straight Through My Heart (I expected so much more from them), but Beyonce's Diva had me nearly peeing my pants. Hence, the subject line. Oh Dini, how I love thee. "Beyonce.. you can hang with Oscar, but you can not have one.." *insert ghetto voice here accentuated with head shake*
But I digress. Not at all the reason for my journal update tonight. It is an added bonus, but not the "meat" of the post.
My reasoning? Jensen's newly revealed engagement to Danneel (sp?) *shrug*. Now, I love Danneel. I loved her on OTH, which I admittedly am not up to date on. I still have season 6 to watch, and 7 is on TV now.. so yeah. I'm behind. But what else is new. But I loved her on One Tree Hill. And I'm sure as hell not going to hate her because she's dating Jensen. I never was all about hating on the girlfriends because they're girlfriends. Of course, I never really was up on the girlfriends anyways.
So yeah. The news has hit the interweb and I was a little worried. The first few posts I'd seen were all "OMG.. I'M DEVESTATED... BOOO DANNEEL..." and my thought was 'oh god. are. you. serious?" Are girls still that douchtastic that they're going to hate on a girlfriend and abandon the fandom. Just hating on the girlfriend is lame enough. But stopping writing is just ridiculous.
Well, actually the fandom could probably do well without them but that's neither here nor there.
My next thought was 'oh shit.. does this mean that the J2 fandom is going to fizzle out and abandon me?' Because *that* more than anything had my heart racing and my lower lip in a perma-pout. Jared can marry Geneveive (although I kinda really liked Sandy.. granted, I found out about Jared and Sandy waaaaay after it ended... but yeah... i liked the thought of them together... and I love fic!sandy so... *awkward shrug*) but yeah, so Jared can marry Geneveive and Jensen can marry Danneel, but that doesn't mean the stories should end! Right?
I mean, it's not like we think they're *really* together (outside of my fantasy world of course). And truth be told, I'm much more in love with the AU J2 universe than I am the real universe J2 fic. I will read well written real!universe Jared and Jensen, but I'm much more captivated by the AU worlds that are created. So then I kind of got concerned that yet another fandom I've joined will slowly disintegrate. And yes, I was more worried about the loss of fanfic than the actual relationship.
I have my priorities.
So... being the trouper I am, I continued reading updates on my friends pages. And low and behold, one of my favourite authors
mournthewicked had posted the exact same worry that I'd silently voiced in my head. People are going to keep reading/writing J2 right?? And THANKFULLY, her post had 38 comments worth of awesomeness that reinforced why I love this fandom and this community (the J2 fandom/community). The majority of her commenters were writers (god, I remember back in the day when I was among that group of people.. writers.. not just a reader) and they assured her that they would still be writing J2 no matter the marital status of both guys. They mostly write AU (yay \o/) and plan on writing. So that made me feel a lot better.
I'm telling you. My reasoning for being worried is purely selfish. Selfish I tell you. I need my J2 fix like a junkie needs a hit.
That brought my train of thought to something
leopardchic79 and I have repeatedly discussed but haven't sat down to actually categorize. My fandom history. Both written and lurker-y. I'll probably forget some, I always do.. but it's just interesting to see how far I've come and where I've been.
So without further ado, my list (that I can recall).
- Backstreet Boys (this started my fanfic world off. first with het and then finally into slashy goodness)
- Nsync
- Crossovery Sparkly Dance Boys (boybands with emphasis on Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter/Kevin Richardson
- Queer as Folk (both cannon and RPS)
- Fast And The Furious (cannon, not really RPS)
- Lord of the Rings (mostly RPS with Orlando/Viggo - but there were a few Orlando crossovers with SDBs)
- Harry Potter (very short lived and mostly due to
leopardchic79 . my emphasis was ron/hermione and harry/ginny) - Without A Trace (definitely cannon, there weren't a lot of e/e fic)
- a revisit to Fast and the Furious with the 4th movie (muahahaha)
- Star Trek Reboot
- Pinto Beans
- J2
I think that's it. I'm sure Rhonda will have additions if I've missed any (for the longest time I kept forgetting WaT and that is just crazy talk right there). But yeah. I didn't write in all, most of my writings were crossovery goodness and sparkly dance boys... then went on to WaT.. but yeah. *sigh* I do miss my days of writing.
I do have to say though. I hope that even with the the eventual end of Supernatural and the marriages of J2 and their lady friends, I really hope the fandom continues to flourish.