Sep 04, 2010 19:24
This morning could have seriously ruined what had started off last night as an epically awesome weekend. I got home from work last night feeling good. The week was over and I got through it unscathed. Had some dinner and was getting ready to watch a movie which shall not be named due to deserved public mockery. I pretty much sat on the couch last night, curled up with Zing and knit for maybe four hours without even blinking. Read some fic and passed out with the whole weekend ahead of me.
And then 2am hit and it felt like the left side of my face had been in an altercation with a baseball bat. Painkillers were in the basement so I figured I'd try to sleep it off and NOT have to get up, stumble down the stairs and come all the way back up. Needless to say it was a very poor decision. I woke back up at 6 after 4 not very fun hours unable to even open my left eye it was throbbing so much. So indeed I got out of bed, stumbled downstairs where both Pesca and Zingara thought it was a usual morning and I was getting ready for work. I grabbed 3 Ultra Strength Tylenol and 2 kool aid jammers. One to drink, one for my eye. Went back upstairs, applied some of my migrane stick and slapped the kool aid jammer on my eye and forehead before praying to god that the migrane would just go away.
By ten it was just a very dull throbbing and by noon it was gone! \o/
I definitely dodged a bullet with that. So how did I celebrate? Finishing off Smallville season 8 (omg, could I have squealed any more than I did????) while knitting. Season 9 is out on Tuesday, so I'ma watch that and then be able to watch the final season while it's on tv (like civilized folk). But I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed to know what happens. OMG. I just ... there was so much ... and then they .... *screams*. It was devestating, as I knew it would be. And I don't know who I love most, although I'ma smack Clark if he doesn't stop with this fucking righteous bullshit and start listening to Oliver!!! (and not just because he's wicked hot!! but because he's right). And just as I was finishing the finale, my aunt showed up and was all 'wanna take me to your knitting store?'
DO I????????????????????????????????
So we went down to Queen West and hit up the Knit Cafe where I once again bought yarn I don't need... but they're so pretty *pets them* And then I was going to ask if she wanted to go to Kensington but it was getting late and I'll just go next week-ish. Not that I need more yarn, but I can't help myself!!! *twitches*
But seriously, yarn buying, knitting and Smallville? Perfection? YES!!!! It's ridiculous just how easy it is to make me happy!!!
Although I did either pick up a stitch or drop a stitch ... or just missed a stitch... and my grandmother's blanket is kind of effed up. But I'm also on my last skein of my shawl that I'm making myself, so that made me happy. Granted, it'll take me a few weeks to do this one (it took me a few to do the first one) so we'll see. And I finished another scarf today, so I can start on another one... I've always got 3 projects on the go at the same time. At least one big one that I can do at home (usually a blanket), something medium/small that I can do on the subway (although the shawl is getting too long and cumbersome for the subway, but is lightweight and a simple garter stitch so it's not too bad) and then a very small (usually a chunky scarf) that I can do in bed.
Tomororw my aunt and cousin are coming over for the day/night and then Monday off!! More knitting and I'm probably going to start watching and bang out all of Friday Night LIghts season 4 (I usually start with one ep and watch until the whole season is done, and I know it's going to leave me an emotional wreck because that show has the potential to break me which I love because it's so fucking good), or some more of Numb3rs or Veronica Mars. Or maybe I'll get off my ass and watch Season 6 of OTH so I can buy Season 7 which just came out on dvd and catch up on that...
Wow. My life is hard. Muahahaha
nerdy mcnerderson