First awesome thing from today? A package came today from
leopardchic79 ! *twirls* Inside? Fun stuffs. A word searchbook (love them), a cute cat stuffed animal, Veronica Mars season 1 \o/ and some other fun stuffs.
HOLLA! I love boxes of awesomeness coming in the mail.
Second awesome thing from today? Actually, it was more fun than awesome but still.
As I'm leaving work to go to the physiotherapist's office for my ACL brace fitting a conversation was had...
co-worker 1: so what colour are you going to get?
me: i doubt I'll be able to get a specific colour
co-worker 2: you should ask. see what colour you can get.
me: if anything, it'll probably be nude
co-worker 2: NUDE??
co-worker 1: yeah, skin colour.
*to which we discussed what colour exactly 'skin' colour is and i said where they mix a colour that matches your specific skin colour as opposed to a generic 'skin' colour*
Fast forward about an hour and a bit where some dude is measuring my thigh and knee and calf... we're discussing the brace and fitting and so forth.
man: so, i just have one more thing to discuss
me: okay
man: what colour do you want the brace?
man: *pulls out a catalogue* What colour would you like the brace? you can have it in muted colour, metalic or patterned *hands me the catalogue*
me: oh my god, we were joking about this earlier. i didn't want to ask in case it sounded stupid...
man: *laughing* nope. here you go...
I went with orange. Not metallic, but orange none the less.
I can't f*cking wait! I'm gonna be paying two mother-fucking thousand dollars for this thing, it is gonna be pimped out in ORANGE ya'll!!