Oct 21, 2007 12:22
The other day I was consuming some mental junk food on the MSN gossip pages. The latest Britney Spears antics are the topic du jour lately. I asked myself why she bugs me so much. The various reasons all pointed to one thing. She lacks an iota of class.
Dictionary.com defines class as "elegance, grace, or dignity, as in dress and behavior." But for my purposes here I consider class to be exercising basic manners and consideration for people around you.
Now Britney certainly isn't the only one lacking in this area. All I have to do is go to the bar, Walmart, or anywhere beyond my porch to see the rampant lack of class. People seem to have forgotten (or perhaps were never taught) how to say 'excuse me' when you brush past somebody, how to hold the door for the person walking behind you, how to avoid profanity in mixed company, or just BE NICE to people in general.
The problem doesn't even seem to be isolated to any one demographic. Men and women from all walks of life suffer from this malady.
No wonder that I can't stand going to bars anymore. Men under the influence of alcohol have ZERO class. They grab me, ambush me on the dance floor and just generally act like jerks. Thank god I'm not dating. And if I have to date again, I think I'll just hole up at home until Mr. Manners finds ME!!