Rant #9,536

Apr 09, 2007 08:04

I've been hearing a lot about this book, The Secret. So I decided to give it a look see at the store this weekend.
As I skimmed through it, I stumbled across a section involving weight loss. I had an extremely difficult time not tearing the book to shreds and lighting the remnants on fire.
Let me just say that I'm all for the power of positive thinking...balanced with PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

This book claims that people are fat because they thought 'fat thoughts'. If you think 'skinny thoughts', you will lose weight and be skinny. No talk of healthy eating or exercise habits. Not even a token mention of actually DOING something other than sitting on your fat ass eating Krispy Kremes while 'thinking yourself skinny'. I'm quite certain that the laws governing metabolism and biology within your body aren't going to be affected by thinking of yourself in that bikini or buying clothes that are too small for you.

I'm so sick of people wanting an easy way out of weight loss. How have I lost 40lbs? DIET AND EXERCISE!! No, it wasn't easy. Yes, it was goddamn difficult. No, I don't like sweating to death in the gym.

Positive thinking can and does have its benefits. But it alone cannot vanquish the fat from your thighs or bring your check book back into the black. These things require ACTION as well as positive thoughts. Anything worth having is worth working toward.

End rant.

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