So, wow, it's been a while since I've really posted.
Okay- first the little, relatively inconsequential things:
1) Finally, we've (and really I mean I"VE) made arrangements to get the non-drive able van out of our backyard and towed away. And bonus, the junkyard is going to pay us 325 US dollars for it! I'd have been happy if they just towed it away for free. Of course, I didn't tell them that. They're going to make some money off it, selling it for parts and such, no reason we shouldn't get a cut of that. :)
2) I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but a while back my employer hired a man about whom the best I could really say is "He has really good hair". He has left us now. It was presented to us, the lowly peons, as a 'mutual decision'. It hasn't made much of a difference in how things are at work, except some of the tiny irritations his mannerisms caused are now gone.
3) All of my children now have sections of their hair dyed bright red. Pixie's gets the most attention, I had so many people stop me to tell me how absolutely adorable they think her hair is. Her hair is cut very, very short on the sides and back - pretty much buzzed-, and longish in the front/top. We dyed red streaks in it, which has also kind of brought out the faded remnants of the blue that we did last time. I really like it, but was kind of braced for criticism from others. Everyone seems to like it though- and I mean EVERYONE. Random strangers. It's kinda weird. Monkey's attracted some attention, too, because it surprises people- from the front, you can't even tell he's got anything dyed. Then, on the back of his head he''s got the big red spot. It amuses him- and he told me that sometimes he forgets it's dyed, until someone else says something. Bubba had most of his hair buzzed off, and then we dyed the top of his hair. It's already faded quite a bit, maybe from the sun on vacation? His has drawn the fewest comments- maybe bright red hair on a five year old is too mainstream, lol. Who knows? He loves it though, and I think it really suits him.
Less inconsequential, still happy- Mom got approved for SSI !!!! She finally has a bit of income (it's not a lot, but it's a whole hell of a lot better than nothing), and she has Medicare. It was a long, stressful battle, during which there wasn't much I could do for her to help out with it, but it's done now. She feels better, feels like she can contribute more to the household expenses where she's living, feels like now she can plan on buying Christmas presents for the increasing hord of grandchildren- which reminds me!
I don't remember if I mentioned it or not, but my brother and his wife are expecting their 7th child now. I was kind of surprised to hear this, as I was under the impression that my SIL had told my brother that enough was enough. But, as we all do know, even if you've decided you have enough children, sometimes one more comes along anyway.. They seem happy about it, which is a good thing. No one knows if we're getting a new little boy or a new little girl- the baby was completely uncooperative during the sonogram. I'm just hoping that my SIL's health can handle this. With RA, emphazema (sp?), and a heart thingy, I can't help but worry about the strain another pregnancy would put on her body. BUT, they're adults, and capable of taking care of themselves and each other.
A separate post of vacationy goodness is to follow, perhaps with pictures, if I can convince my phone to cooperate. Right now, though, I must go marinate some chicken for dinner.
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