May 05, 2011 22:24
Hola, amigos!
Feliz Cinquo de Mayo!
And that's about as much Espanol as I can manage to remember right now. I'm not even 100% sure that it's grammatically correct. Or spelled right. But, I'm not great at spelling in English either.
It's been a long week, and I'm about fried, mentally speaking. Between the rain, and the frequent forays into seething rage at work, it's been mostly a downer.
On an upnote- today was fantastic! On just about every level. The sun was shining, the temperature was perfect. I had almost no pain, my bestie/team lead treated me to lunch, and best of all...
I now have my very first smart phone! Yay!
However, my geeky lust has not been satisfied, it has only been encouraged. I have only begun to test the waters with this baby. I have to set up some basic things, like an alarm to gently remind me to take my pills, for example. I did "splurge" and buy a live wallpaper. I think I can spare the 0.99, though. Then, there are the pre-loaded aps to figure out.
Because I feel that the things I love must be spoken to, I am going to name my phone. I know this could be an indication that I am dangerously unbalanced, but I don't care about that.
I've narrowed down my top three choices, and I am collecting opinions.
1- Pixel (a sweet little computer geek name, yes? Plus, it's slighly evocative of "Pixie", a name I have a deep fondness for)
2- Optavia (a mash up of Optimus (the make of the phone) and Octavia, the name of the author of one of my favorite novels)
3- Pryme (probably should go with the standard spelling "prime", but I think the y is prettier. And this one, aside from being math geekish, strikes me as being very amusing from the "Optimus Pryme" standpoint)
So, please, share your thoughts on this. A name is a very serious thing, even if you're naming a machine.
Besides, once the human/robot marriage right bill is passed (and possibly the gay marriage rights bill, since I'm not really sure of my phone's gender, not that it matters), we're going to be married. And I'm fairly certain we'll need a name to put on the marriage certificate.
Well, I'm off to bed, since I have to work tomorrow. I'm still giddy, so I'll need extra time to settle down.
Sleep well, dear friends. I'm going to take something to make sure I do, because the insomnia bird ate the glowy sleep butterfly that I saw on tv.