Apr 02, 2015 08:17
So, she did have a stroke. The good news it that it was not too severe. She can walk, she can use both hands/arms, but she does have weakness and diminished feeling on her right side. You can really see the stroke in her face. Her speech is a tad slurred but she was coherent last night. She could have a conversation and follow what was going on. When she got tired, she rambled but she has done that before because of the MS.
Today she will be going into surgery to clean out her arteries in her neck. On the whole, she is doing very well for a stroke victim. I'm optimistic, and hopeful but she has a long road to go. Good news is that my brother is out of work due to a broken arm so he can help. Next week the kids are out of school so I can go up if she gets sprung in the next few days. I really hope they keep her as long as possible. She has so many health issues, the hospital is the best place for her.
mom watch 2015,