Dec 04, 2011 01:16
It was much warmer when I walked home than when I walked over to see the boys tonight. When I left around 8:30 and at that time it was clear as a bell, Orion was in his place in the sky and there was a crispness in the air that let you know it was December. During the night of wine, talk, laughter and movies, the clouds came in and returned the warmth that the earth was giving away freely.
And just when I thought it could not be any more beautiful, I would have all but missed the moon, sitting low on the horizon. I was lucky that I spied her at all. If I were to have one more sip of wine I would have not been so attentive and walked right on by as she was nestled between two houses She was half of her self which looked like an eye in a focused glance. A pale reflection of the sun, her yellow hue reminded me of butterscotch candy. A pause, quick smile, and a deep breath before I continued on home.
Good night moon.
friday night boys,