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Feb 06, 2005 12:47

yesterday was by far the most embarassing day of my entire life.

yea it must be nice going to a school that actually wins games, has a fan section that PARTICIPATES TO GET YOU PUMPED UP, and to be guarenteed a trophy at the end of the day.

it also must be nice to have a coach that gives you respect. i think if vanessa wasn't in this, century high school would have some sore of trophy in their hands right now for yesterdya. The routine just wasn't enough and i felt that it wasn't right the second we walked through the FSK doors yesterday. the mose embarassing part? liberty beat us. LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING. i feel like as emily would say... choppped liver right about now. we didn't have any fans, girls got so nervous during the routine, not to mention the routin wasn't that great. our dance, wasn't a dance it was a motion sequence. And it does matter because we went to ms. laura and were like look we don't think using poms, starting w/ a cheer is a good idea. both of those things screwed us over. Using poms in a routin is just ASKING for a saftey violation. unless you're liberty and had an actual organized way of putting them down. that was smart. no matter how many times you say, if you see a pom PICK IT UP AND MOVE IT... someones gonna forget and not do it. maybe it was me that did it i don't know but having poms was an all around bad idea.

i wish yesterday could be erased from my memory because century high school cheerleading is so good, we have such a talented squad but negative attitudes go to us and we didn't fully believe in ourselves. next year i propose we do this on our own. we aren't retarded we can make up a routin. What did we do for pep rally, and everyone loved that didn't they? not it wasn't at a competition level but it was pretty damn nice wasn't it?
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