Title: Native Food
goddess47Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: Major Squick warning but no spoilers for anything.
Pairing: None. Hey! I wrote a Gen fic! How'd that happen?
Length: 2100
Summary: For the
spook_me Halloween Challenge
spook_me a person chooses a creature and then gets some comic book covers. Here are the comic book covers:
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The second thing is I'm so bad... I read the end and realized hey, no one knows he had any pretty stew. He could keep it quiet. Sure he puked, but it could be nerves or a bad MRE. I kind of think, for his sake and the sake of everyone else who has work with him, he should. Or at least only tell Carson and a shrink.
I suspect I'm kind of horrible for taking the pragmatic tack there, aren't I?
Oh, well, no doubt the only things that keep me from cannibalism are: yuck, I know what humans eat, I've got sufficient food, the law and an irrational fear of kurukuru. (Irrational in that it would be pretty unlikely I'd pick up a prion disease unless I actually noshed on a brain and then we're back to a zombie apocalypse. Which, I've decided I want to be patient zero, since there's no chance I'd survive anyway.)
I see I'm not logged in and, considering this comment, I suspect that's a good thing.
Yay! Good story.
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