the art of being oblique

Oct 09, 2006 15:11

i can't believe they actually used the phrase 'great leap forward'. seriously, now.

the circle of sketch is apparently way smaller than i realized. this should be exciting.

congratulations, you appear to've stumbled across a notable subculture! you forgot to ask if they're pagan, though. have a consolation HBB.

edit: you make me wonder if someone stole your entire kitchen or just the stove in it, until i remember that you're a blithering idiot with the social graces of pubic lice, so you're probably just too dumb to find it. die in a fire, and take your 'omg elitist upper floor oppreshun!' with you.
i have a hard time flaming people without using misogynistic language. this only bothers me when i want to avoid fueling counterattacks. interesting.

oh! to be explicit for a moment: inspired by a conversation the other night with badoingdoing, how do people acquire additional or alternate names? do you go by two or more names, or know people who do? how do you get people to cooperate? why do you do it?

i have remarkably mixed feelings on feminist_sex; the userinfo makes me laugh, but several of the current frontpage topics seem useful, and i've seen consistently good things elsewhere from some of the more prominent posters. perhaps it shall go on the lurk-list.

also, for anyone who was wondering.
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