the late night whinings of an 'insomniac'

Nov 08, 2003 05:17's 518 in the morning. Why am i up you ask? Simple...i'll explain.

I have been off my happy meds for about two weeks now. That means i've been a little OCD, depressed and overall panicky. Fortunatley though, i still had enough of my sleepy med to get me to sleep each night. Realizing that without that med i would be unable to sleep, when it came time that i was to run out i called my new psychiatris Marabe and asked if she could contact the walgreens i get my meds from so i could sleep tonight. having the other happy meds was an added benefit. I called today before i went to work (315 pm)and left a message for her. lexi was to go with my debit card and pick up my meds when she got off work (920ish). naturally when she went to pick them up an order had not been called in. upon returning home she recieved a message on the answering machine saying i had to call Marabe back. So therefore i did not get my meds and i have been up for the last 5 hours while lexi has been asleep, in pleasant and rejuvinating slumber. I have even gone so far as to watch ricki lake i have been so bored. So now i am on the internet. ooooh yay. nobody is on naturally because they are all they should be.

more exciting news from katie-land. You know that guy that got killed from the chicago suns. Funny thing. he was shot, dragged for two blocks and then run over within walking distance from lexi and i's appartment. when the story went on the news for the first time i actually recognized the boys on bikes waving behind the reporter. creepy.

the aryan nation is in town for the weekend. all blacks and gays are on the look out. lexi and i are thrilled.

the couple that lives above us make loud noises during the night. i recently found out they were from the boyfriend knocking around the girl. I was lucky enough to hear the boyfriend screaming at her and then a lot of crashing and crying the other night. i'm ecstatic.

two of our kitties have been adopted out. lexi took them while i was at work...which by the way i am TOTALLY fine with....but anyway. they have a good home with a family and a cat they took to immediately. we are having more trouble with the mama cat and the other cat we need to find homes for. evidently no one wants them.

i found more kitty poop today. god damn cats. they pooped on the shirt i was planning on wearing to work today. when i lifted the shirt up lexi's checkbook was stuck to it via cat shit. yippee.

530. that was fun. now i'm going to turn back ON the tv and wait till 830 when lexi has to get up and get ready for work. i pray to god i am asleep by then.
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