Mar 12, 2002 23:19
Lexi just left.
Yup yup
And I am currently 6 years old. Well, it's more like 10 now, cuz Lexi helped me with spanish, which needed thought, so I'm more like 10 thinking she's 6. Or just 6. I don't know.
I'm sleepy and i'm not gonna finish my paper tonight so I'm gonna do the powerpoint. Yup. *kitty yawn*
The kitty likes me again. We'll see how long till my next rage burst and she gets thrown halfway across the room. *yawn* I should go to bed. But I feel like being creative and shit. Erg.
I had lots of tapioca and apple sauce today. ha ha. And maybe they won't have to put me in the psych ward. We'll see how I am tomorrow. See if the magic pill is still working. I've slept all day. Over 15 hours i think i got up to. I formally woke up woke up at 7 or so. Yeah. Stupid stabalizer that make you go night night. Oh yeah, that's she verdict. I'm highly unstable so they are putting me on stabalizers till they can figure out what to do with me. Schrader was talking about maybe putting me in the hospital for a couple of days just to make sure I didn't kill myself or someone else. I have/had no desire to hurt MYSELF, it was just the tree, Dave, the cat or whatever got infront of me at the wrong moment. But now I am 6 and very sleepy, but I'm going to do my power point till I fall over on the keyboard.
Lexi said she would come and visit me in the hospital. *feels the love* The sad thing is that I totally agreed with her that I needed to be in one, but mommy was asleep so I had to go home with Dave. For somereason the "logical" side of my braid decided that when I kill him I must burry his hands. I'm not sure why, but I was very sure at the time. Yeah, I've gone quite nutz. I started crying twice tonight because I wanted Lexi to come over and watch Aladdin with me, and she said mommy wouldn't let me so I started crying, and then when mommy said she couldn't I started crying, so mommy said she could come over and help me with spanish, which she did.
I still kinda wanna watch Aladdin with her though. *tells herself don't start crying, you're not really 6, it's just in your head stupid* So I've gone totally nuts. The OCD has gotten bad and Schrader tried to set up an immergency meeting with Ragavan,but she was already home with her litty kids, so instead they gave me the miricle pill and it wiped me out till noon, when I ate a muffin, and then again till 4 when i woke up to eat three cookies and some apple sauce, and then till 7 when I woke up and ate more apple sauce and called Lexi and wanted her to come over and watch Aladdin with me. Yeah, I'm a nutcase.
Atleast being 6 is better than the one I was yesterday! Yesterday I almost killed Dave, litterally, I had to hug my knees and rock violently to keep myself from killing him, and then I just went nuts. It was bad. Oh, that reminds me I gotta print out my shit for Schrader to read. Yeah, I should do that. I'm sleepy. I want Lexi over here. Maybe then we can watch a movie. Yeah, we can watch a movie.
I haven't see Aladdin in a long time. Or the Little Mermaid, but I don't think Lexi would want to watch the Little Mermaid, and I hate Cinderella. So we would watch Aladdin. Either Lexi or my sister, but my sister can't come over cuz she lives all the way out in Virginia, and that would be hard. But I like watching movies with my sister. She has soft boobs that I used to put my head on and fall alseep on and it was nice. She used to stroke my hair too. I like having my hair stroked or scratched like a kitties. I like kitties. I wonder where the kitty is. I think I want to find the kitty and pet her. Okay. I'm going to go find the kitty.
My kitty is soft and she is cute and she purrs and she has the cutest little feetsies and the cutest little ears and I love my kitty.
I love my sister and Lexi too. We should all get together and watch Aladdin. That would be nice. But my sister likes the Goofy Movie better. She got that for me when I was younger. I liked it. She used to watch it with me.Yup. We can all get together and watch a Goofy Movie. That would be fun. Yup. My nose itched. So does my ear. *itch itch* My ear still itches. And I'm sleepy. I think I'll go to bed in a little. After I finish my power point I'll go to bed. Well I should go and get started. Bye!