Ramblings one early morning

Dec 07, 2010 07:57

 Actually got out of bed at an unreasonably early hour today, but not for any noble purpose. Sonya's internet has been acting up again and rather than catch some much deserved sleep, study like a good girl or simply wait the hour or so it would take her to figure it out I decided to hightail it to the closest free wi-fi spot. In this case it's Panera.

So now I'm here at a pretty much deserted cafe, which is absurdly cold - It's basically zero outside, why are the vents pumping cold air? And trying to plan my day beyond the obvious try to get some studying done.

With regards to my big fannish project, the fanmix is coming along really well. Song selection is really solid and outwork is coming along nicely, no thanks to me. I really wish I was better at graphic stuff. When the outwork is done, or before it's done if I want to be on top of things, I have to finish the sentence -fics that accompany it. That's right, kick-ass art + interesting song choices + ficlets = BEST FANMIX EVER!!!! Or at least that's the goal.

Then there is the Alisha met & fic. I've compiled all of my notes for the meta. The official character description and as many legitimate interview blurbs addressing the nature of her power and why each character gained the power they did. Quotes from critics and commentators regarding Alisha's character & powers to illustrate the negative reception her character initially received.  Also comments aboout how her power works as part of the rape culture narrative and the exploration of the power or lack thereof of pertaining to overt female sexuality within a patriarchal society. My views on slut and virgin shaming, the differences between repressed, oppressed, and liberated. Why are women's worth constantly being determined by their sexuality? Possibly including thoughts on Alisha as the hero's prize narrative running through fandom currently but may prove unnecessarily inflammatory.

A Pretty Girl is Like... Alisha centric fic. Structure already defined. 6 connected drabbles prefaced by quotes from the titular song. Drabbles explore what it meant for Alisha to gorow up as a pretty girl and how her character developed as a result, culminating in the  character we see at the beginning of the series.

Simon/Alisha smut - Simon's been thinking of all the different ways to touch Alisha

I need to get comfortable with Simon's voice. Am assigning myself the challenge without deadline of writing at least 5k of Simon's pov.
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