Nov 03, 2005 05:15
i don't want to know what's going on upstairs.
i'm sick of living through my friend's accomplishments. i gotta be good for SOMETHING. well something besides working too much aka driving around and making shitty tips from assholes. if i see another pizza i'm going to shit my pants. just because.
tuesday=me and natalie go to smackdown in indianapolis for amazing 3rd row seats. i'll be on tv. it'll rule. natalie is still the most beautiful girl i've kissed. i wanna kiss more beautiful girls and less ugly girls. i think it'd help brighten my current shitty mood. i also wish every girl wore cat ears like rachael leigh cook in josie and the pussycats. goddammit.
yeah right. internet doesn't allow sleep. it controls me. it owns me. it tells me not to sleep. it says stay up.... make stupid posts that make no sense and just keep writing the first thing that comes to mind. don't make it have any organization or easy to read pattern. just write down random thoughts that noone will understand. good jerry. you obey the internet. you are rewarded with 4 hours of sleep and then more pizza driving.
i still don't wanna know what's going on upstairs. you'd have to be sitting where i am to understand. i think i'm gonna plug my ears and pretend this night never happened.
chad from new found glory just said "this is a mosh it up circle pit song". dammit why do i love a band that says things like this?
ok i'll stop before you all decide to skip over this entry. not like anyone reads this shit anyway. i think one person comments on my shit. period. that someone needs to give me a massage and tell me to stop thinking.
ryan rockwell needs to hook me up with the josie and the pussycats girl from the halloween show.......... for the simple fact that she went as punk rock josie. goddammit.