Jun 19, 2014 05:00
I re-read my last post. I was so distaught I didn't care if I mispelled anything and I didn't worry about fixing anything. I finally got some sleep the second night, but tonight I woke at 2 and my mind starts turning again. Jeremy was suppose to go to surgery yesterday but postponed it til today because he developed another collasped lung and bloody cysts on his lungs. He is still in an induced coma and has no idea what happened as far as we know. Everyone in California (family and friends)is in shock. Besides losing my little niece Ashleigh, also lost was Curtis, age 48, a long, long time family friend. He was never married and no kids, but all the kids called him Uncle Fuzzy because he had curly curly hair that frizzed out all the time. He was always around each time I went down to visit although I never got close to him. Ashleigh was a sweetheart. She had alot going for her at such a young age. She was a straight A student, getting ready for 8th grade at a charter college prep school. She was involved in church and was recently baptised, and girl scouts among other activies.Her parents, my niece Holly and her husband are so distraught. The are not accepting phone calls or doing facebook as they are putting all their energy and strength in Jeremy right now as they should. I am getting all my information from my sister Becky and Niece Jennie,
This is the only place I feel I can freely speak of this as not one friend here or family member know I do live Journal. I am still in shock this has happened. I know people face these thing everyday and I have been faced with 2 other horrif accidents with a brother and sister but both miracously survived. Both my parents and Chets parents died of cancer but it's different when you know months ahead they are dying and you expect it. Not that the death means any different but a 12 year olf girl taken so suddenly in a blink of an eye is so much mire shocking. but unlike our sick parents, she suffer not at all.
I am still packing to move. I have not done what I should have yesterday on my day off as far as packing. So much left to do in a short time. I have to work 4 hours a day Today, tomorrow and Saturday. All smack in the middle of the day so it breaks up my packing. Saturday I have and outdoor sale in Battle Ground. I'm sharing a booth with a friend. I need yo unload handmade items. i have to also work so I'm going to set up, stay for a few hours and go to work and leave Amy the rest of the time to take over, then go fetch her later.
Hopefully things will sell.
I really want to go to Cali but the moving is in the way and there is so much confustion and people down there. No memorial plans have been made yet. I think they want to wait for Jeremy to get better.
We still have not found a place, still looking. No response on all the craigslist ads or they are already gone. Also gone are rental ads in the local newspaper. I guess they just don't print them anymore. We will probably just put everything in storage and stay with Kirsten for a bit.
Keep praying for emotional and physical healing for my family. and thanks for caring.