Jan 03, 2008 04:39
2007 was a strange year to say the least. It included a little of everything.
January began kinda lame since New Years last year consisted of me hanging out at home with my parents since people were sick or had plans up at Big White and I had to work the next day. It then turned into new classes and me missing some of my friends from the previous semester. None-the-less school was basically uneventful. The highlight of January was definitely getting crazy on Australia Day (January 26th) up at Big White. I'm definitely looking forward to doing that again this year.
February was pretty awesome since my birthday was on the 16th. Some friends planned a huge party and it was probably the best birthday I've ever had. I managed to get back in touch with Jaeger, who I hadn't seen in quite a while, and meet and become friends with his girlfriend Jaimey. I spent some time in Calgary and had an awesome time hanging out with some friends and my sister there.
March was a big month. First, Julia and I moved into an apartment together in Kelowna. Second, in March I met Marc. We quickly became close friends. March was a good month. I became good friends with Jags and Jaimey and Steph and Josh and Matt and Luke. We were a pretty tight group and it was probably the high time of the year. By April, we were almost inseparable and things were amazing. April was full of bad decisions. I stopped things with Marc and made some alcohol-fueled mistakes and then ended up with Marc again. (I wish I could say that he was the alcohol-fueled mistake, but he wasn't.)
May-July were the "Marc-months" as I like to call them. I was happy but things were never quite easy. Julia and I weren't really getting along and I kinda lost touch with a lot of my friends. In May I quit my job at Save On and began looking for other places to work. Julia and I went to Virgin Festival down in Vancouver and had an amazing time. I worked briefly at Blockbuster and at the Save On in the mission. I quit both those and began working in June for Crown Packaging with my Dad. That lasted all of about a week and then I decided to take some time off to find a job that I would actually like, not just something to pay the bills. I finally managed to get a job at the casino in July. July was also spent camping and generally just hanging out.
August was the low-point of the year. Marc and I broke up and despite everything I had told myself when we got together, I loved him and I had done the same thing that I always seem to do when I get a new boyfriend (lose all independence and become an idiot.) August was a hard month, but I survived and I learned some lessons along the way.
September meant school starting again. September was also the month when my friend Justin, from Toronto, came to visit. It made for an interesting, dramatic week. Also, this recap of 2007 would not be complete without mentioning the night of shooters, naked ladies, Nazis, and cops. (I'll let you use your imagination with that one...)
October was less eventful. My 18 year old cousin passed away in a car crash down at the coast. That was hard and it made me realize how short life could be and not to take things or people for granted. Other then that, the only other thing that happened was Jordon returning from his journey out East. That's not really that eventful either but it was at least a good thing.
November was spent working my ass off at both work and school. It was fairly uneventful.
December is usually quite eventful. It started with crunch time at the end of the semester. Then Josh had his birthday party which was a good way to reconnect (and possibly begin a new connection) with some friends. I then had exams and then relaxation time with the family over the holidays. New Years 2008 was a little more eventful then the previous year. I spent the evening at work (until 3:30am) and then hit up the Denny's for a private party with some friends. Getting home around 7am was a good way to start the new year off with a bang.
How was your year?