15th: The Refurbishing of Haruhi Suzumiya

Jun 24, 2011 14:31

[Voice / Action]

The school term's ending next week, days are hotter - well, aside from today, I guess - and longer, and I just got back from a beach trip. It's really starting to feel like summer, huh? Summer! If only we had chlorine... I guess we could still do bug catching, but there aren't even cicadas here, so the only interesting thing left is fireflies...


Ooo-kay, do you guys know what July 7th is? You only get two guesses, so you better get it right! Go!

[She laughs at the end of this. Rena's gone home and she's aware of this by now... but she's trying to keep in high spirits. In light of other things going on it's better that way and in light that the casino is finally done, all she needs to do is pick a date. Not to mention her boat is done even if she needs to furnish it... speaking of]

Also, a flag. Boats need flags, right? Someone step up help us out with that, I'll give you some cookies for it - home baked, of course.

[...Hm There's a chirp from Sekai in the background, and she nods] Or furniture. Summer just makes you want to try new things, right? It's like with your cells, you need to replace them now and again, so if anyone needs some old chairs or couches or what not I'm willing or organize a trade. Just this once, we'll go for an even trade - for quality like the stuff in my house, this is a real bargain!

[She said without consulting her housemates. As a result of this, one might find Haruhi sitting on the porch of House 10 imperiously watching for anyone strong enough to pass the house that she can force into being a laborer for her. There's a lot of random furniture that while it's been there a while she's not super-attached to, and might as well go for some new things. Sekai is also derping around in the yard as only a large rooster can]

she's a girl after all, @kouki wakahisa, house 10 was my home, i am the overlord, @daisy-023, going for 21st century girl, compartmentalizing 101, @leon d.s. geeste, @mami tomoe, it's a bargain if it's fair, of boats and beaches, @winry rockbell, storm the village!, tanabata complex, is your body ready luceti?, @link, summer *.*, @kurt wagner, @ange ushiromiya, @neku sakuraba, this counts as a compromise, if she doesn't get them she'll make one, alchemy for fun and profit

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