Bubs! Originally uploaded by
g0d4wful11 So, i went to the midwest and was sick the whole time, pretty much.
The chill is creeping into LA at night, and the void is still deep.
I came home a couple nights ago, it was cold, the duvet was cold, it was nice, and bubs has switched to her winter sleeping position (as pictured). She has also found a new sleeping spot on my old computer desk on a t-shirt (admittedly, now a filthy t-shirt).
The season™ is coming. This one may be a pretty good one, La Niña and all (i realize that sounds pretty dirty if you know what im talking about).
Last week I had a conversation about elements of my past which I normally don't talk about, let alone think about, kinda weird.. i'm not hexspecialy one whom likes talking about the painful past, let alone expose myself like that to someone one whom i've just recently met and don't know to well.. it caused a minor brain freakout later where i was in the shower shaking my head for opening up..
in the gaming world (haha) one of the mottos is ABB, Always be building.. and in the video game that is evans life, always be building means, always be building bridges with other people, because then you control the distance you keep them at and how many walls they must get through to get to the chewy nougat center. it also grants you the ability to know how to best burn that bridge in case of emergency.
So yes, Always Be Building, or you'll find "i'm in yr base killing yr doodz" and that "all your base are belong to us"
anyway, yeh, so i act like i'm 6 years old.