31,000 ft Originally uploaded by
g0d4wful11 There are a few more pictures over at my
flickr account from the whirlwind trip. But here is a quick summary.
Friday night I somehow thought I would need to get up at 5am to get to the airport and make my 6:20am flight.. so worried I would miss my alarm, i slept on the futon waking promptly at 5. Knowing I'm in a rush I go straight to put my contacts in, well, i forgot to put the disinfectant tab in, so i needed to wash them with saline for a good 10 minutes, oi.
Shower, pack.. and oops its 5:30, "bye bubs!".. i forgot to pack my iphone charger, i think i can still make it... but I'm not gonna be able to do over night parking.. i pull into terminal 4, find the perfect parking spot and dash across the sky bridge. i do electronic check in with no bags to check..
the computer informs me i am there too late, i need to have been there 30 minutes prior to take off, i am only 20, i have to choose the next flight to go on standby.
well, through the security and i get to the gate i was supposed to bored on, theyre still there and they let me on.. sweet.
land in St. louis, i've got an hour to kill, have a pita sandwich from wolfgang puck express. i forgot how strong of an accent they have in the STL, there is pronounced thurr. The pita is disgusting, and board the next flight. 45 minutes later I'm in des moines, the air is clean. we drive down to my grandparents and drop off the gramps, head down to my aunt Cindy's for a little before dinner. shes going to my cousin cara's bachelorette party. here house is filled with cats, some of whom have fleas. so many cats, scratching and licking.. I'm trying not to get sick, these cats are certainly not bubs.
we go to my grandparents and have dinner and talk.. etc etc afterwards my sister and i go into town in search of a bar. not matter what size a town is (in this case, 1500 people) you can be sure there will be a bar (unless it is a dry county). we find one and have a few beers before returning to the aunts place.. nothing is on TV and i just want to go home.. eventually i attempt sleep. one cat keeps meowing and i can feel it flicking fleas on me, i resist the urge to punch it and instead kick it off the bed.. it leaves for an hour and proceeds to wake me up once an hour.. i want to die.
woke up at 7am sunday to a cat barfing in the hallway, shower and go up to the grandparents for breakfast (on the side, my grandmother is an awesome cook). hang out there talking until my aunt cindy gets back from her wild night out.. erin and i go back to her place to get erins stuff.. we take off back to des moines. meet up with my brother and his girlfriend in the des moines airport, kill time... send sister back to seattle, my eric and ngoc board the flight back to St. louis. the jet flies low and the pilot swoops around like he's in top gun, but we arrive ten minutes early.
i get an amazing race idea and check if we can board the next flight to LA, saving us 3 hours.. yes they have middle seats, but any checked luggage will still arrive late.. my brother has a retarded suitcase so we stay and kill 3 hours in St. louis airport.
6:50 we board the flight to LA, i fortunately have no one sitting next to me, the in flight movie is Lucky You, you can't understand the dialog cos of static on the audio track and the tint of the screen is off.. it doesn't bother me as the movie is so predictable. eventually land in LA, pay $60 from parking, drop eric & ngoc off and go see bubs.. she is pleased to see me and bites & claws me to let me know. I'm glad to be back.