
Aug 05, 2007 18:52

Originally uploaded by g0d4wful11 a couple weeks ago i decided i need to get more productive on the weekends, so after putting it off for two weeks, i got right down to business. yesterday i wrote the check for the new used car (complete with busted side passenger mirror, cos that's how i roll). still, considering the deal i'm getting on it i can't complain (it's a 2000 sentra for $500, cos it's friends so it's dirt cheap). next step, laundry today, checking the flickr, i saw it had been about a month since the last laundry trip.. while this may sound like quite a long time, i am pleased to say it is quite a bit more often then i used to be (incidentally, this was the second time i used the ipod portion of le iphone, good stuff). got groceries for the week, came home and made this black bean thing that is my current OCD food condition.

can o black beans
2 tomatoes
1 bag o' southwest style corn
half an onion and 4 cloves o' garlic, sweat them for 5 minutes while corn is in the microwave, toss everything in, add cumin, and red pepper, and some raspberry vinegar to give a bit of the sweet, i've also added a little veggie ground beef.. 8 servings, 10 grams o' fat.

after this i was exhausted. and tried to take a nap while the aqua teen movie played in the background.. no dice though.. the guilt was heavy. got a text from c-rey suggesting drinks over at footsie's.. i haven't been there in ages, but i informed him i still had productivity to achieve..

you see, bubs killed me a bird a few weeks ago, and there was just a little arterial spray in the bathroom from where she split it open like jack the ripper. so weeks later, i have finally moped it all up and cleaned the sink and toilet and whatnot.. productivity.

i still have a few things to do before i can treat myself with a stroll down the hill, that being, put clothes away (dump them into the closet) and take out the recyclables... but, i may just need to take a breather before that..

i accidently nuked my iphoto library a few days ago, and got around to restoring it this morning, well back into 2002 i was captain face obscure as well.
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