(no subject)

Jan 12, 2008 15:51

Integral stared at the men surrounding her. They were men, and not the monsters she'd been expecting. Hmmm.

This confirmed her fears. Iscariot had not quite turned, as they had always been enemies, but they had remained enemies, even when combining forces would be the smart thing to do.

Ghouls and fresh vampires she could dispatch easily enough. But not the palladin, and if there were any more regenerators, she would die. The street was coated in the thick blood of the undead, but still slick under her shoes. That would give her a slight advantage, and she could always use their numbers against them. . .

If she played her cards right, a few would die before she did.


Best to retain her calm demeanor. After all, she would die as she had lived.

"I'll take my leave now." She walked forward two steps, her back to the soldiers.

"Where do you think you're going?" His voice was steady, even after all the exertion it must have taken to destroy the monsters around her. She could respect his power, even if he was apeshit crazy.

"Back to my manor," she said without turning, knowing he had a gun on her. "I have to return."

"The hell you will!" He yelled, and she heard the gun cock. Why not use a knife? How strange.

"My manor awaits my homecoming. I'm the commander, it's my duty to issue orders and lead my men." She turned, staring at the man holding her at gun point. Not Anderson. Hmmm. "That's why I must go back."

He gave her a cold look, apparently unintimidated by her stare. "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, deary. We've been ordered to take you int custody and keep a close eye." He stood straighter, tall with his purpose and God given power. "You have no choice but to come with us."

She eyed them, and the unlit tip of her cigar. Well, then, she could play this game. She stared at the man who had been talking, and barked, "Light!"

The men all took a step back, staring at her. She frowned. Stupid men. "You didn't even think to light my cigar for me? How pathetic, where are your manners, knave." She made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat. "Light."


"Give me a light." She said, getting tired of this already.

Finally, one of the men offered her a lighter and she lit her cigar, nodding slightly once it was accomplished. She took a long moment, letting herself relax while the nicotine rushed into her bloodstream. Much better. Finally, she spoke again. "The rattling of your gun is getting tiresome. You can threaten me with it all you like, it won't do any good." She took another drag, and exhaled slowly. "I'm going home. If you're going to shoot me, then do it. Otherwise, get out of my way."

The men shuffled together and discussed what they would do. She stood there, in the middle of them, a bemused expression on her face. "You realize I can hear everything you've said over here." She shook her head, laughing a bit. "Is that your master plan, section 13? And what about you, Father Anderson? Is it alright with you if they tie me up and drag me along like trash?"

"Fools." He said, from the back of the crowd, loud enough to reach Integral, even through all the noise around them. "Certainly not. Are you all ganging up to take on a lady without protection by force?" He scoffed, stepping through the crowd, which parted around him almost instinctually. "It's like you're a pack of rapists." The last word he spat, and the men shrank back another step.

Integral laughed, and nodded. "Fine then, I'm leaving now. But these days it's not safe for a woman to walk around in the dark of night." She looked up, a malicious smile on her face. "Do you think you chaps could walk me home?"

"Yes ma'am." Andersong replied immediately, to the shock of his troops, "we'll accompany you back."

"I'm in a hurry." Integral noted, turning toward her home. "Let's go."
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