Xmas Card Time!!!

Dec 10, 2015 03:53

So it's that time of year again...Xmas card time.

PM me with your postal address if you want one from Australia.

In other news:  Special thanks to cappy712 and deanshot for the lovely Birthday messages, you guys are the best and your Xmas cards are already in the post :D

I got totally spoiled again as it should be ... *snorts*

I miss LJ so  much I need to visit here more - I am trying the Tumblr thing but honestly I think I'm getting old cause I barely know what I'm doing there LOL.

If any of you guys are on the Tumblr (I sound like my mum 'on the Tumblr' like it's some crazy ride or something) I'm godamnarmsrace over there too.

I'm also godamnarmsrace on Instagram too if you wanna see lots of pics of my cats, nails and natureandshit with the odd fanish thing feel free to friend me there too.

K well it is super later here or super early however you look at it so that's it for now I guess.

Love you guys - be safe - be kind - be happy.


xmas cards, deanshot, birthdays, from australia, birthday, the best friends ever, xmas

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