Jul 17, 2006 01:01
Tonight was really awsome. I'm so glad that Mike allowed me to be at his house tonight. I ended up seeing God do some amazing things with Dave and Jordan, and Mike's heart for both of them and the level of intimacy that he has with these other two men of God just blew me away. Jordan has the sweetiest heart, I have such a strong desire to get to know him better. And I finally saw Dave's heart again (just a glimps) but I got sick and tired of everyone else talking about it and I was glad to see it again for myself. It was so good for me to get my eyes off of myself and my current conditions in my relationships and my fear of going to the doctor tomorrow and just to focus on what God is doing in the lives of these three men. Mike and I got to finally sit down and talk with no one else around, it was strange at first because it was new and different for me but it was great. He has some really cool insight in to people's hearts, I soo desire that gift. He can see things that other's either can't see or haven't seen in me. As I told Jordan earlier at bible study, I would have never thought that I would be hearing encouraging words from Michael Peters.