Like You

Mar 04, 2010 17:41

You made my family feel welcome.
You invited us in, let us feel like this was where we belonged.
Yet once we came to stay, you posed restrictions.
We were trying to take your place, you said.
We weren't helping you, you said.
One of you cried and demanded answers.
One of you demanded we do things your way and talked and talked.
Then, when we didn't conform to your way, you left us.
You went and told others how we were ruining things.
You said that the place you left us was dead, it no longer existed.
You said you were Christians and did this to me, to me and my family.
If I didn't know God, I would think He was like you.
If I didn't know He actually cared about us whether or not we followed orders, I would think He'd turn His back on me and try to take me out- like you.
If I hadn't read the Bible and knew He didn't support gossip, He offers His salvation to all, and He doesn't want anyone to fall away, I would think that He didn't really mean any of the kindnesses that He offered-
Just like you.
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