lazy wankers

Jun 29, 2004 16:13

"Due to the RMT industrial action, Lloyds TSB Oxford Street will be closing at 4pm today"


Oh poor you, it's going to be a little difficult getting home tonight on the funny bus things. So fucking what, deal with it, everyone else has to. Some people have jobs where "working hours 9:30 - 6:30" is just a sudgestion for when business is quiet and actual hours are "can everyone be at thier desks and ready to work by 9:30 please" until when the work you have to get done today is finished, even if that's midnight.

EDIT: they normally close at 5, still nice and early. And the tube people are lazy too, 35 hour 4 day weeks and a pay rise, if we asked for that we'd be told where to go in no uncertain terms and if we didn't like it there's dozens of other people queuing for our jobs.
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