Ok. I'm about to get serious. About blogging.
After much deliberation, and sometimes months between posts, I've decided I'm really going to start working towards some of my goals. One of them has been to start writing more every day- the more I write, the more material I have, and therefore the more chances I can take that writing to the next stage and make it a video.
I've been working on a screenplay since mid-last-year, and I'm only halfway through a second draft. Knowing me, after the second draft will come the inevitable laziness of "it's good enough- we'll fix it on the shoot". I need to stop that, so I've determined that the best way to do that is to get so used to constant tip-a-typing on the keyboard that I'll write draft #3 on autopilot.
And in the meantime, hopefully come up with at least two solid short scripts.
So now the question: What the hell am I supposed to write about?
Do I go niche and focus on something (politics, film reviews, indie cinema) or do I just stay the same (no general purpose, broad rantings)???
I mean, in reality, this blog here is just semantic ramblings for me to fill time with meaningless prose, but to what purpose can I put that? I'm assuming this post will be read by three people maximum (
angeloftheabysslonewolffmmmegz), but seriously- any ideas?
What would YOU like to see from this waste of space?