Dec 31, 2004 04:30
The New Year is nearly upon us. My children continue to please me with their accomplishments. Sabine completed her record and it is now in circulation, not only in the state, but through out the country and soon to be released in Europe as well. The man she continues to keep company with, Preach, has a way about him when he spread the word of my love, people wish to hear more. I am intrigued and infatuated with his presence.
Larissa continues to grow closer to the dear Senator. She is exactly what he needs to go far in his political ambitions. The blonde American goddess who charms everyone she meets. Indeed. Things are going very well.
Vanessa, Damien and Arianna continue to bring the important people of Hollywood over to meet me, to embrace my love and to finance our endeavers. I am most pleased with how quickly they have replaced their other religions and Gods with me. It is as it should be.
David continues to spend time with Erin and she has worked quickly and efficiently in spreading our message through the networks. It is only a matter of time before the entire world are on their knees, my name on the tips of their tongue as they give in to experiencing a life based on love rather than violence.