(no subject)

Nov 22, 2008 12:56

Wow, I really don't get to post in this thing!lol

Main news is that I was burgaled last week, me and lovely gothicDraco got our laptops stolen from our rooms. As you may imagine I was, of course, enraged. I had all my photos and music, tv shows I hadn't watched yet and I'm pretty sure the only copy of my dissertation (1 year to write and research) was on it. I'm just hoping that I had the wit to back most of it onto my mums computer first. I feel really bad for gothicdraco because her laptop was brand new, 3 weeks old.
Mostly I'm just so angry that some thieving little shit was in my house looking through my things.
But alas, live goes on...at least I know what I want for X-mas.lol

As an extra kick, my horoscope the day I was robbed:

"Mars remains in your solar eigth house and you are still in a good position to dump anything that is either outmoded or devoid of any real use. Aries travels best when it travels light and that is certainly true at the present time. You may even be quite ruthless in your determination to get rid of anything unnecessary"

Lots going on for once, been very busy with work and have hopefully got 23rd-5th Jan off using only 6 of my days annual leave! I'm also getting next wednedsay/thursday/friday off. Being a civil servant is soooo hard ;D
The work is getting alot more documented and pissy which I'm not enjoying much, I just can't wait to get off for a while.
At work at the minute, have had 1 day off in the last 2 weeks. Kerrie brain not good...Kerrie sleep now....
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